“How I Learned to Just Be”

My DIY Fundamental Steps to Wellbeing (Part I)

Matthew Holland
4 min readDec 8, 2018


mike-dubois-tapestry-cosmic-eye (I claim no rights to any of the images I have used, those rights belong to the copyrighted owner)

Each person’s journey into fundamental wellbeing is a different path, but they all end in the same destination.

Where is that, you ask?

A place of varying levels of inner peace, with a conscious awakening removing another layer of fog clouding your evolution and higher thought processes.

(DISCLAIMER: This will be hard, this will be painful and once you begin you have to find the end, otherwise life will be like an open hornets’ nest. Many may want to seek a life coach, sponsor, therapist, or counselor in order to begin doing this. It will bring to the surface traumatic stored events that can be overwhelming and or crippling. This is my solution learned from my journey and every journey is different, but also the same.)

Some of us might react like, “Oooo tell me more”, others “Never feel or hear the frequency of the message”, others possibly, “What kinda new age, hippy dippy crap is this guy gonna spew” and oh I almost forgot there is still this potential response, the one where some of us physically and or mentally run away screaming, “But what if I don’t like who I become!!!”

We all have inside a certain degree of trauma, and some more than others. It creates a kind of subconscious fear, fear creates anxiety and stress, and this can trigger a fight or flight response. Singularly or compounded they can create ptsd and left unchecked and compounding they can become complex ptsd. Each one big or small creates a stain of ink on our souls in ways we can’t always understand, know or see.

The path to fundamental wellbeing is an easy one to understand, but one that takes courage, pain, willpower and the belief you can get there.

The following is only the way I learned how to “Just Be”. I am not a genius, MENSA smart or any other smarty pants thing. I am just a human being that tried various other directions (many-a-times I practiced the definition of insanity again and again) and decided to face the lessons life sent me and learned to evolve.

Inside all of us are these things many of us still just call them, “Skeletons in that old closet”. I have now learned through a series of sources to call them Shadow Beliefs. These are the things that hold you back from becoming a better you, they are a Well Connected Internal Personal Negative Belief System.

Some are merely tiny black spots that are barely even audible, that barely darken the soul more than a pin prick of ink.

However, with anything that continually multiples and goes unchecked, these little guys can cause problems like The Tribbles on Star Trek.

(Tribbles fall on James T. Kirk. (TOS season 2 episode: “The Trouble with Tribbles” The copyright of this image belongs to CBS Paramount Television and/or Paramount Pictures. Its use is contended to be consistent with fair use rules under United States copyright law.)

Then at the other end of the spectrum, there are the behemoth shadow beliefs.

These dark monolithic black ink splotches are like black holes and create their own negative gravitational force. This force is exerted on everything that could possibly make a human ever feel zentered (Zenfully Centered). Some of these started out as many merely tiny black spots, but over time many of them stuck together, then more, and more and so on and so forth…

Over my handful of decades, I have gone through a number of conscious evolutions, due to painfully traumatic circumstances that the universe or those above placed before me as lessons.

There always seem to be signals that lead to these learning events, often ones we don’t see or just mistake as non-relevant Deja-Vu.

Bit of a news flash, THEY ARE NOT!

They are though, silent beacons put in place to help us find our way.

I’ve learned through trial and error that ignoring these lessons and signals is not a good thing and can send you down an abysmal rabbit hole. It might be one that seems impossible to crawl back out of, they aren’t, never are and we can.

In these events, we have to some extent three choices of direction.

Keep in mind, this should not to be confused with any Fairy Godmother, Good Fairy, Jinn, or any other magical creature offering all your dreams to come true by way of (said in a fairy godmother tone) “…three wishes”.

Why is it always 3 wishes anyway?

These choices are simple, (dealing with magical creatures on the other hand…Not So Much):

· Ignore, run and internalize, suppress or stuff emotions and eventually implode.

· Nail one foot to the floor, become a victim, blame everyone else for everything and walk in circles.

· Or we can study, learn and evolve from the emotional pain along with others who are doing the same, becoming more whole over time. More whole as a person and as a society, singularly and collectively hurting internally and externally so much less

The thing is, the third is really the only option, as the first two only continue the cycle we have repeated before; time and time again.

So good, great, awesome we are all in agreement, the third option is best!!!

On to the next part then we go!



Matthew Holland

Our Journeys Should Always Begin Within ~*~ Experiencer of Life~Dad x4~Socialpreneur~CEO Synergistic Creations Inc.